SAPH Associate Membership

The Aim of this Associate level of membership is:

“To encourage non-practising members of SAPH to maintain their CPD requirements and to keep in contact with the homoeopathic community in Scotland, so that when and if they start practising homeopathy again they do not have to undergo a re-registration procedure.”

Rules of membership for Associates

1. Qualification for Associate membership. Only those who have been Full, insured, practising SAPH members in at least the two previous successive years may apply for Associate status.

2. Associates may continue to be members at Associate level for as long as they please. However, if they become Full members again, they must maintain their Full membership for at least two further successive years before re-applying for Associate status.

3. CPD importance. Associates may be fully retired with no intention of returning to practice, or taking no patients for personal reasons, but to be able to return to Full membership without undergoing the registration process again, Associates must maintain their CPD.

4. Required level of CPD. The Council will decide on a suitable level of CPD for Associate members.

5. AGMs. Associates may attend and speak but not vote at AGMs.

6. Co-option to Council. Associates may be invited to be non-voting Council members of SAPH so that Associates may be represented on the Council. Such co-opted Council members may be requested to take on tasks similar to those of other Council members.

7. Exclusions. Associate status is not permissible for those who are either practising as professional homoeopaths or are insured so to practise.

8. Applications. Members must apply in advance to the Registrar for Associate status which will not normally be granted in retrospect. Such application should be made at least one month before the end of the subscription year and should be made using the Associate membership application form.

9. Withdrawal of privileges. Associate status is a privilege and may be withdrawn if the Associate is deemed to be bringing SAPH, its Council, its members or homoeopathy in general or in Scotland into disrepute.

10. Subscriptions. Associate subscriptions will be fixed annually by the Council and approved at the AGM.

11. Payment and non-payment of Associate subscriptions. Associates must pay their subscription within two months of the beginning of the subscription year. If unpaid, privileges as an Associate shall be withdrawn until paid, and there shall be no reduction in the amount due by virtue of late payment.

12. Privileges. Associates have access to the forum and CPD at reduced prices and are invited to write reviews and articles for the SAPH website. (As the SAPH website grows, articles on it with links to their own individual websites when they re-start practising will improve their ratings in the Search Engines.) Associates may not attend SAPH Council meetings unless specifically invited by Council.

13. No use of Designatory letters. Associates may not use the letters SAPH or RSAPH or ASAPH nor hold themselves out to be full members of SAPH. If requested to explain they must say that Associate status means non-practising and not insured to practise.

14. The Council may make exceptions to these rules.

NOTE: Click here for SAPH Associate subscriptions, payable in advance of the commencement of the year in question.


Please Note that Associate membership of SAPH is only available to Full members who have paid their subscripions as Full members for at least the immediate two preceding years before applying for Associate membership.

TO APPLY for Associate membership of SAPH, please complete the application form,and send it with the correct subscription (payable to Scottish Association of Professional Homoeopaths) to the Registrar.